
Fetterman helping to address the American border issue resonated with me since I believe what our society needs most is mediators between tribes, a high level value on my heirarchy.

Democrat's denial of the border issue means the problem will continue and possibly get worse. And at a larger level, it means people are more likely to put Trump back in the white house. And I believe Trump back in the white house is a risky action for the future of our country.

From a Democrat's point of view, they should proactively address the immigration/border issue so that they have a say and can influence how it is done. In the worst case scenario, Trump is elected and he and the Republicans come up with some archaic way to resolve the problem.

Having clarity on my hierarchy of values matters a great deal in knowing how and when to collaborate with rivals.

I also wonder how much this dynamic, between the Democrats and Republicans, is a microcosm of the larger issue as to why Trump was elected.

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