
"Republicans have been their own worst enemy on [the Biden Impeachment Inquiry]. They keep making claims that don't stand up to basic scrutiny about what they have. Everything is a smoking gun all the time and their rhetoric has been an 11 on a scale of 10. Their findings have not been consistent with their rhetoric." - Steve Hayes

How could we read this? It could be continued participation in deception. It could simply be republicans playing a shallow and cynical game to help them win the presidential election. It could be a fishing expedition? Or, something else?

This approach is consistent with Republicans strategy that the 2020 election was stolen. Big claims, claims of impending proof, and then a failure to deliver anything.

Whatever happened in the Biden family happened, so it does not mean something won't be discovered if there is something to be discovered.

This is a mirroring of the first Trump impeachment. Democrats promised the moon and then it turned out different.

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