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"With the death of God, many other things die things you don't expect and one of the things that dies when God dies is science. And no one expected that.
Science as a practice, is a religious practice predicated on religious axioms.
You have to believe that there's such a thing as truth. You have to believe that the truth is understandable. You have to believe that understanding the truth is good. You have to believe that there is such a thing as good.
So imagine, to be a scientist, you have to imagine that first of all the world is comprehensible to the human intellect, but more that, if you investigate the mysteries of the material world that will be beneficial. Those aren't scientific claims, those are metaphysical claims, and that metaphysical claim is nested in a story.
The Enlightenment types portrayed the Scientific Revolution as something contrary to the religious substrate and that's not accurate. It's a Luciferian intellect history. It's not true." - Jordan Peterson