
"We just knew that death was a part of the story." - Sarah Condon

"We've lost a lot, no longer seeing death. It's not a part of our story anymore. Death is just one more way for us to explain ourselves... It's become another self-improvement project." - SC

"People on their deathbeds, Christian or not, have said the same three things to me; I'm scared. What is heaven like? Will they let me in? I tell them about the blessed assurance of Jesus, the promise that he is their story and he is their song; as life as in death and that is all that I have to offer to someone who is dying." - SC

"It is in death that we come to know life." - SC

"Saint Paul wants us to be excited about death as a fundamental part of our story." -SC

"All of this ends up in a coffin. And that's how my story ends. And that is awesome news." - SC

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