
"Jesus knows when we remember our death, it brings our story to life. When we deny our death, we deny ourselves the fullness of our grace; we deny ourselves the fullness of our story." - Sarah Condon

"We miss out if we do not have a context of the cross to give our death life." - SC

"When people tell us their stories, we want to give them advice, to up their game, we want to hand out bootstraps at the door, right? We don't want people to talk about the hard stuff because we don't want to deal with our hard stuff." - SC

"We are crushed under the weight of ourselves. Because our sins and sorrows and self-righteousness are too much to bear, alone." - SC

"Jesus gives up his life to be our story and his breathe to be our song. Jesus rescues us in our death. We cannot make it out alive and that is the best part of our story." - SC

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