
“The person who has inflicted the wound pushes the memory deep down, to be rid of it, to alleviate the feeling of guilt.

indeed the need, to separate evil from good, to be able to take sides, to repeat Christ's gesture on Judgement Day: here the righteous, over there the reprobates. The young above all demand clarity, a sharp cut; their experience of the world being meagre, they do not like ambiguity.

...expected to find a terrible but decipherable world...

The world into which one was precipitated was terrible, yes, but also indecipherable: it did not conform to any model, the enemy was all around but also inside, the 'we' lost its limits, the contenders were not two, one could not discern a single frontier but rather many confused, perhaps
innumerable frontiers, which stretched between each of us.

the hoped-for allies, except in special cases, were not there;"

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