What's Wrong With Society?

Part 5B. Assume Positions!

The Left and Right are two sides of the same coin. We see one side doing bad so we fight back failing to see we’re doing the same bad.

We fuel the cycle of retaliation. They hit me, so I hit back. And we spiral into brokenness, blame, and revenge seeking.

Because we’re ideological and not morally grounded, we reactively continue to spin the merry-go-round.

In the third edition prologue of his book, After Virtue, Alasdair MacIntyre describes the two parts of liberalism.

“That conservatism is in too many ways a mirror image of the liberalism that it professedly opposes. Its commitment to a way of life... is a commitment to an individualism as corrosive as that of liberalism. And, where liberalism by permissive legal enactments has tried to use the power of the modern state to transform social relationships, conservatism by prohibitive legal enactments now tries to use that same power for its own coercive purposes.”

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