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Nature's First Law: The Raw-Food Diet

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Through many years of study, investigation and experimentation the authors reveal the cause of disease is due to the overeating of cooked foods.

234 pages, Paperback

First published January 15, 2003

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About the author

Stephen Arlin

4 books4 followers

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Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews
Profile Image for *elasticfate.
26 reviews14 followers
August 28, 2008
though the writers can be a bit too militant at times, and their wording is sometimes that of someone in their idealist college phase of life, there is a wealth of information in this book that makes it very worth digging through. i found that if i just laugh at the statements that bug me, i can get to the meat of the more logical arguements and factual evidence about raw. it's a good beginner book to sink your teeth into before getting into grabriel cousens or david wolfe's later work.
8 reviews
August 28, 2007
This was my first book on Raw Veganism. Although it has some good information in it, there is too much false information now that more things have been found out. I would recommend 80/10/10 now as the most current information on the topic.
Profile Image for Courtney.
33 reviews
March 30, 2014
I stopped reading when early in the book the authors implied/said that they don't believe evolution to be true. Plus they like to say thoughts and opinions as though they were facts. Thirdly their appendices in the back include more than one that is just a "buy our crap from us" from the authors.
1 review3 followers
January 2, 2008
extremely radical...not an introduction to raw food living...but for those who aren't afraid to explore an entirely different paradigm in eating...
Profile Image for Celso.
11 reviews8 followers
June 25, 2010
There are probably good Raw-food books out there, but this one is terrible.
Profile Image for Russell Holbrook.
Author 30 books85 followers
April 26, 2017
I found this in the giveaway pile at the book shop where I work and since my wife and I are working on our new goal of becoming raw food Vegans, I hoped that reading this would help us in our transition.
It's not that kind of book, though.
This is definitely the most militant Vegan propaganda that I have ever encountered. (Maybe Karl from Earth Crisis had read this?) Since I am already a "cooked-food" Vegan I didn't find it shocking or anything like that, but I was surprised by how hardcore the tone of the book is and I found the boldness of the authors to be refreshing. I did gain some new insights but the most powerful effect this book had on me was how eye-opening it was. More so than the amazing films Cowspiracy and Earthlings, this book awakened me to the startling conclusion that humans live an almost totally unnatural existence. It's baffling to note how disconnected we are from the most basic elements like soil, clean water, and the seasons. I also found it interesting that, for all of our social and intellectual evolution, the inner workings of the human body, as well as it's requirements for specific nourishment, has remained unchanged for however many thousands or millions of years that we've been on this planet. The saddest part about this book is that mainstream people will probably never read it. It will takes years for society to catch up to these guys, if that ever happens at all.
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6 reviews

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