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Behavioral Investment Counseling

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Behavioral Investment Counseling By Nick Murray. Is this your leisure? Just what will you do then? Having extra or spare time is extremely amazing. You can do every little thing without force. Well, we intend you to spare you few time to review this e-book Behavioral Investment Counseling By Nick Murray This is a god e-book to accompany you in this leisure time. You will not be so tough to know something from this e-book Behavioral Investment Counseling By Nick Murray A lot more, it will assist you to obtain better details and also encounter. Also you are having the excellent tasks, reviewing this e-book Behavioral Investment Counseling By Nick Murray will not include your mind.

273 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2008

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Nick Murray

27 books78 followers

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Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews
Profile Image for Brian.
Author 3 books25 followers
November 29, 2014
Hands down the best book on being a financial advisor I've ever read. When the student is ready, the teacher appears I suppose. Not a book for everyone, but if you manage money for other people - this is a must read.
Profile Image for Faloni ©.
2,349 reviews4 followers
January 26, 2022
When you feel anger , allow yourself no more then 5 minutes because after that, anger is self-indulging and quickly turns into anger . 🥳
11 reviews
September 4, 2023
If you sell investment advice, include portfolio construction or management as a part of your planning service, or have any level of advisement of wealth in your financial service practice, read this.

If only we could all speak the way Nick Murray writes! If that were the case we'd all have a healthy book of business and could've retired yesterday.

The core beliefs of wealth management, investing and historical understanding of this space is all packed into this book with plenty of numbers and evidence to back it all up. This book will build your own conviction of these beliefs to not only allow YOU to avoid the behavioral mistakes when building a retirement income you can't outlive, but it'll let you do it for your clients (if you work in financial services obviously).

Hell, even if you are the head of your household and invest for your spouse, or your elderly parents or find yourself as the executor of an estate with sums of money, at least try to get your hands on some material from this book or speak with someone who has read it. As Nick says, you can't be promised to beat the market but you can promise yourself to have higher lifetime returns than most of your neighbors by understanding the behavior surrounding wealth management.
Profile Image for Mike.
134 reviews12 followers
January 31, 2019
I have been a financial planner for about 15 years. Nick Murray is the best writer/thinker for financial planners that I have come across.

This book is all about the most important aspect of being a financial planner: managing client behavior. He includes many great scripts, Q&As, and his 101 process on asset allocation and diversification.

Nick is blunt in the best possible way in his writing. Having practiced himself as a planner for many decades, his wealth of hands-on experience is invaluable.
Profile Image for Paul.
16 reviews6 followers
June 17, 2017
Excellent book written for those managing other's money. While I don't think I'll go the finance route, it was a great reminder to me to be less active with my investments and to stay the course even when the rest of the market is panicking.
Profile Image for Andrea.
21 reviews11 followers
August 31, 2017
Great little book for helping you to keep the main thing the main thing. Don't get derailed by all the latest gimmicks for investing. Don't let asset management eat up your time or your sanity.
July 15, 2018
I highly recommend this book for anyone who calls themselves a financial advisor. It is an excellent reminder of how to approach investing our money and our clients money.
Profile Image for Jason Green.
62 reviews
February 5, 2013
It's interesting to note that the average equity fund for the 20 years ending in 2007 returned 10.81% while the average equity fund investor over the same period of time returned a mere 4.48%. How can that be? How about by buying when things were hot and selling when things have crashed. Nick Murray states his rock solid case for becoming a behavior coach rather than a portfolio manager. Even if you're not a financial advisor, this is a great book to help you understand the biggest mistakes investors make.
Profile Image for Jason Hallmark.
108 reviews1 follower
December 14, 2015
This book is a must read for all financial professionals! Financial ignorance abounds in our society today, and most of that is promulgated by advisors and pundits and other talking heads who pedal what is little more than financial pornography - exciting stuff to think about, but destructive if actively pursued. Nick Murray is the breath of fresh air to remind advisors that the value they truly bring to their client is in managing their clients behaviors, and helping them from making dumb decisions. I'd give this book 100 stars if I could.
Profile Image for Rob.
108 reviews2 followers
January 21, 2011
Great book if you're a financial planner :)
Profile Image for Scott Cole.
34 reviews6 followers
March 4, 2012
Great. Of course we all like books that say what we already believe, but the validation is nice.
98 reviews
June 13, 2014
Some very good reinforcement especially in a down market that advisors may want to revisit at these times. A valuable book to have in any financial advisors collection.
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 reviews

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