Republicans need to figure out the abortion issue ASAP. We are getting killed by indie voters who think we support full bans with no exceptions.

Time for everyone to suck it up and unify behind @LindseyGrahamSC’s 15-wk bill w/ exceptions. That’s the play.

The alternative is…
We just lost Wisconsin by like 15. If the pro-life movement doesn’t figure this out and get the GOP on board, the GOP is gonna just abandon the issue and eventually start telling voters they don’t care about saving babies.

Ego checks need to happen now. It’s do or die time.
It’s not going to get better until we figure this out. We will lose 2024 over it too — and that would probably be the end.

Please listen to me. The death of the pro-life movement is at hand — we have no time to waste on disagreements over strategery. We need to give GOP politicians a winning message on life NOW. If we don’t, they will abandon us and embrace “no federal role.”
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