If you're struggling to escape the paycheck to paycheck cycle, read below:
1. Reflect on how you got here

What habits/events drove you to this point?

- lost your job
- like to spend
- have a lot of debt
- bought too much house
- don't make much income

There are so many reasons we find ourselves here, and you are not alone.
2. Analyze your beliefs

Do you think your current circumstances are permanent?

Change is the only constant.

You're not destined to live this way forever.
3. Track your spending

To take control of your money, you must know where it's going.

Small expenses add up quickly
$10 a week is over $500 a year
$20 a week is over $1,000 a year
4. Create a budget

Once you start tracking your actual spending, putting together a budget will be easy.

A budget gives you the ability to see where your money goes.

A budget lets you see the gap between your income and expenses.
5. Lower your expenses

You will actually lower your spending naturally after you start tracking and budgeting.

It's an interesting phenomenon that occurs.

Your spending will go down, but you won't need to change your lifestyle too much.
6. Pay off consumer debt

Debt steals your future paychecks.
Interest costs you more than you realize.

When your debt is paid off, the gap between your income and expenses grows.
7. Save an emergency fund

This is the ultimate step that takes you out of the paycheck to paycheck cycle.

Save up 6 months of expenses.

Congratulations, you're not living paycheck to paycheck any longer!
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