I binged "How to get Rich" with @ramit on Netflix this weekend.

Here are 7 take aways to get your rich life:
1. Avoidance gets you no where

If you have a stack of unopened bills, it's time to face them.

Uncertainty causes more stress than knowing.

Open them.
2. Run your numbers

Paying hundreds of dollars every month for a storage unit for stuff that isn't worth much is wasting your dollars.

Get conscious about your spending:
- late fees
- storage units
- gym memberships

Make sure you're getting real value from your spending.
3. Sunk costs shouldn't be part of your decision

Once you've made the investment or paid a cost, it's usually gone.

Don't make decisions on the past.

Make decisions based on where you are today and moving forward only.
4. Investing should be boring

- how much you will invest
- how often you will invest

Automate it.
Find a few diversified funds.

Be consistent & patient.
5. Don't pay a percentage to a financial advisor

The most expensive form of investing involves letting someone else manage your money in return for a percentage.

Take it upon yourself to learn about investing.

If necessary, pay an advisor a one-time fee for a lesson.
6. Stand up for yourself

Don't let others take advantage of you.

If your HOA is supposed to take care of something, make them take care of it.

Keep a paper trail.
Document everything.
7. Windfalls can be gone quickly

70% of lottery winners end up broke or in a worse position than before they won the lottery.

This is because they haven't changed their habits.

Start changing your habits today in order to take advantage of your next windfall.
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