1. On the Texas shooter. I understand everyone jumped on the "he's a Nazi" train, because those on the right tried to claim someone with a name like Mauricio Garcia couldn't be a white nationalist, but I think in this politicized back and forth, some other analysis was lost.
2. To be clear, dude is absolutely a Nazi. But, having spent last night combing through his online profile and diary, I'm more interested in the role that far-right hyper masculinity is playing for him.
3. All of his posts going back several years are littered with not only misogynistic content, but explicit Incel terminology. His loneliness literally jumps off the page. As the years go by, you can see the attraction to Nazis arrive to kind of soothe his Inceldom.
4. The Nazis are strong men who don't need women. Nazis, according to him, were the best warriors. And Incels are the best warriors.
5. So, yes, his tattoos are interesting. But, I think how he uses and thinks about Nazis is way more interesting

We're all used to seeing the convergence of far-right views and misogyny, but he seems to be bringing them together in a unique way. They serve each other in new ways
6. Necessary caveat: I'm just going by his online content, which is always limited.

Still reading and thinking through some of this - and I'll probably be writing something soon with @_MAArgentino and @macklin_gd.
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