A "crypto" project has created a website with fun facts about your Twitter account and is farming your data to make it appear they have a legitimate following.

Here is how it works:

0. You see one of your friends with a post like this, looks interesting and you're curious.
You then go to their website, and have the run-of-the-mill 3rd party API to connect to your Twitter. It is auto-selected to Tweet out the results to your following unless you unselect it. If you click quickly without looking, you get a Tweet like the one above.
You then get to the Twitter third-party app screen - looks normal, unless you read it. You are literally handing them control of your entire Twitter account.

They can literally change your password and steal your account.
This project has built the app to farm data and later use it to market to,

Or this could be a team doing this to several projects,

Or possibly even the app builder is selling their "services" to projects.

What project am I talking about?
The handle is @OmnesWorld

What is true about this account:

🚨78 Tweets
🚨No links in bio

What is not true about this account:

"100% driven by the community"
"Good Vibes"
Other red flags include this tweet, from a "project" that claims it is built on Solana.

In case they delete it:
This form of data farming is dishonest and as far as I understand a violation of the @Twitter terms of service, if not illegal.

Be safe out there!

What can you do other than blocking and reporting @OmnesWorld?

Check here to see what third party-apps are connected:
Then go to apps and sessions to see the list and disconnect any third-party apps you are not using.

I hope this prevents your data from being farmed and you don't fall for scams like this. If you have, I hope like me you learned a valuable lesson.

Stay safe out there folks!
One more detail.

I confronted the account holder and this was their response:
UPDATE: Add @TheSynth3sis @OGamesBuilders @tomipioneers to the scam list, I just was forced to follow them as well.
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