Sigurd Thimbles @Sigurdthimbles
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
- From Twitter
12 Rules for life: an antidote to chaos from @jordanbpeterson changed my life (took me 1+ year to complete) & After I completed his entire self-authoring program. (took me 3 months) I became like an arrow. I've never been more productive in my entire life as a result Gifted a…

BRHashtag @BRhashtag
May 9, 2023
- Answered to What is the one book that has had a significant impact on the way you work?
- From Twitter
12 Rules for Life by @jordanbpeterson Stand up straight with your shoulders back. Treat everyone like there’s something you could learn from them. Stop and pet a cat.

Tomasz Lisiecki @tomasz_lisiecki
May 5, 2023
- Answered to What's the best book you've read so far in 2023?
- From Twitter

Tommy Os @TommyOs99
Dec 29, 2022
- Answered to What was the best book you read in 2022?
- From Twitter

JPEGvault @JPEGvaultDAO
Sep 20, 2022
- Answered to Which book really changed you as a person?
- From Twitter

Connor @hoggie20
Jul 7, 2022
- Answered to What is one book you have read in the last year that taught you a lesson you think about daily?
- From Twitter

Marcelohf @marcelohf5
Jul 7, 2022
- Answered to What is one book you have read in the last year that taught you a lesson you think about daily?
- From Twitter
12 Rules for Life - Life is pain

Leo @LeoVP37
Jun 22, 2022
- Answered to Bitcoiners, what non-#Bitcoin books have shaped your thinking?
- From Twitter

The Rockin' Vickers @HardRockWolf
May 19, 2022
- Answered to What's your favorite book about psychology?
- From Twitter