I used to think only big Twitter accounts got viral threads.

Then my last thread hit 100k views in 14 hours.

The 6 psychology triggers for viral tweets 🧵
To be honest, this was unexpected.

But the psychologist got curious about why ideas stick.

I’ll also include a video below that gives you a "behind the scenes" of the decisions I made.

Finally, I don't have a Twitter course to sell you. 😅

Just want to pay it forward.🙂
@Wharton professor @jonahberger wrote the book Contagious: Why Things Catch On.

Dr. Berger says there are 6 things that make ideas spread.

What are they?
@Wharton @jonahberger 1️⃣ Social currently

“We share things that make us look good.”

In threads, include:

•Business numbers
•Topics where people say, "I want to be connected to that!"

Consider a private Slack channel to capture stories for future threads.

@MeetKevon, thanks for this idea.
@Wharton @jonahberger @MeetKevon 2️⃣ Triggers

"Top of mind, tip of tongue."

Our minds naturally connect ideas.

For example, I love @patagonia not just b/c of their quality but what they stand for.

When writing threads, imagine topics, brands, and other people you want to be connected to.
@Wharton @jonahberger @MeetKevon @patagonia 3️⃣ Emotion

"When we care, we share."

@ShaanVP did a great Viral writing 101 chat with @dickiebush and @Nicolascole77 that explains this well:

Watch starting at 4:30 to see how Shaan thinks about emotions in threads.

Go deep with a core emotion.
@Wharton @jonahberger @MeetKevon @patagonia @ShaanVP @dickiebush @Nicolascole77 4️⃣ Public

The more public our products or services are, the more it triggers people to take action.

In threads

•Build your stuff in public
•Share the good/bad/hard

A fantastic example by @MurtazaBambot

Notice your emotions as you read this.
@Wharton @jonahberger @MeetKevon @patagonia @ShaanVP @dickiebush @Nicolascole77 @MurtazaBambot This can be done with individual tweets as well.

Great example by @dagorenouf

Note how relatable it is for a startup founder.
@Wharton @jonahberger @MeetKevon @patagonia @ShaanVP @dickiebush @Nicolascole77 @MurtazaBambot @dagorenouf 5️⃣ Practical value

Practical content spreads on Twitter.

Aim for threads that

•Save time
•Improve health
•Save/make money
•Show your humanity
@Wharton @jonahberger @MeetKevon @patagonia @ShaanVP @dickiebush @Nicolascole77 @MurtazaBambot @dagorenouf 6️⃣ Stories

We’re wired for story.

And we resonate with the underdog.

But don't include every single detail.

Instead, start just before the moment of intrigue.

@wes_kao has a great thread on this:

@Wharton @jonahberger @MeetKevon @patagonia @ShaanVP @dickiebush @Nicolascole77 @MurtazaBambot @dagorenouf @wes_kao TLDR ✏️

1️⃣ We share things that make us look good
2️⃣ We share things that are on our minds
3️⃣ We share things that make us feel something
4️⃣ We connect with people/businesses that show humanity
5️⃣ We love stuff that's practical
6️⃣ We love stories
@Wharton @jonahberger @MeetKevon @patagonia @ShaanVP @dickiebush @Nicolascole77 @MurtazaBambot @dagorenouf @wes_kao Also, here are some up-and-coming accounts that inspire me =).

@VirtualKenji (DeFi, Nodes, +Web 3 art)
@lukesophinos (vertical software learnings)
@surfkt (social science, tech, philosophy)
@cyborgcharu (Female CEO + startup life)
@theandyhsu (early tech design career lessons)
Writing threads can be an emotional rollercoaster for most of us.

In this video, I especially wanted to focus on those "1% tweaks" that seemed to make a difference in my viral thread.

That's it, my fellow thread creators. 😀

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1. Share 1 thing you learned in a quote retweet

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I write on podcasting, courses, and the solopreneur journey.
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