According to my calculations, I have caused 0.029 tons of direct CO2 emissions, and used up about 3% of a tree for my Schengen visa application, and only so far. This is a conservative estimate. I haven't even travelled yet. Lets have some fun...
Prepandemic Schengen applications were about 17 million. That makes about 493000 tonnes of CO2. And about 500000 trees used up in totally useless, inane paperwork, so thats about 1100 tons of yearly carbon absorption capacity removed.
Lets say these are above the mean (which I doubt but anyway). That still means Europe is causing extra emissions of a respectable sized city every year, and causing removal of carbon sinks. Can't this be easier, more streamlined? Do you you really need all that paperwork?
Here's some low hanging fruit for decarbonization. Simplify your visa process, Europe. I'm not saying don't require a visa, do it as a hobby.
I mean I'm at the visa line, so i had some time to write these. Internal processing related emissions are not even factored in. #nottravelingforleisure
Still at the visa line. Being handed back some of the trees i was made to kill because apparently they don't "need them" after all. CO2 emissions aside, three full days spent on this shit so far. The West is taxing away days from our lives.
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