
This statement may annoy both Trad Art people as well as some Ethereans but I've honestly come to think this:

Art is one of the best things that has happened to Ethereum and Ethereum is one of the best things that has happened to art...

For artists and collectors, Ethereum delivers:

-provenance/verifiable ownership
-globally accessible marketplaces
-Perpetual royalties
-Cheaper (and faster) transport and storage...

The result I believe is a more inclusive art movement and a better UX in the broadest sense for both artists and collectors...

This doesn't mean that "WAGMI" and that all or oven most artists will necessarily succeed in NFTs, but I do believe this technology and movement will let _more_ artists make a living and in some cases thrive financially doing what they love...

From Ethereum's side, tokenized art is a novel use case that has drawn in thousands of non crypto-natives

Tokenized art showcases Ethereum's power as an expressive, secure + immutable base layer where artists + collectors can trust their works will live on forever...

Art is one form of cultural object, but more broadly Ethereum is emerging as a transport + storage layer for cultural intangibles as @punk6529 puts it

These cultural objects can span everything from the Constitution to Pepes...


One advantage of these cultural objects is that they are _more_ acyclic than most assets that live on Ethereum

For example, there are a number of artists on SuperRare that have recently hit new all-time highs while there are zero DeFi tokens (I'm aware of) that have
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