Carnun Marcus-Page @CarnunMP
Mar 26, 2023
- Answered to What are the best explorations (fiction or non-fiction) of a post-AGI society and economy?
- From Twitter
I _would_ say the Culture series, as its 'Minds' are fully integrated. (Well, they rule, and more or less keep humans as pets.) But its economy is pure 'post-scarcity' fantasy. Banks thinks the solution to the calculation problem is ad hoc _referenda_.🙃

Maria Paola Emanuelli @EmanuelliPaola
Mar 26, 2023
- Answered to What are the best explorations (fiction or non-fiction) of a post-AGI society and economy?
- From Twitter

Rohit Krishnan @krishnanrohit
Mar 26, 2023
- Answered to What are the best explorations (fiction or non-fiction) of a post-AGI society and economy?
- From Twitter

Paul Oesten-Creasey @Paul_VUCITY
Mar 26, 2023
- Answered to What are the best explorations (fiction or non-fiction) of a post-AGI society and economy?
- From Twitter