#ProofOfWork for @SeedSigner (funded by @HRF):

In brief:

* @tabconf was amazing! And my MicroPython workshop went well!
* Steadily building our roster of contributors.
* Dev hardware kits for El Salvador!
* QR-based message signing!

Leading up to @tabconf most of my time was spent figuring out my workshop presentation and, most importantly, polishing up the github repo for the custom MicroPython firmware.

After hacking at this for so many months, it's hard to get everything...

...organized enough to introduce it to others. There are shortcuts I'm used to taking or old approaches that I've given up on, etc.

And just: will this sh*t work if someone starts from scratch?

Also had to make clear step-by-step build instructions.

The next challenge for the workshop: once they've successfully built the kit, then what?

I started coding demos to show off how to use the hardware and especially the onboard Bitcoin libraries (secp256k1 and embit).

First a nifty address explorer!

Coin flips to BIP39 seed generator!

At the conference, @SeedSigner and I finally got to meet @newtonick in person! All three legs of the SeedSigner dev team in one place!

Everyone helped package the hardware kits to get ready for the workshop.

HUGE thanks again to @BitcoinMagazine for funding these kits!

Go to Bitcoin conferences. Meet Bitcoiners in person. It's so worth it.

Even though the debugging wasn't completely successful, we did make progress and even got a new PR from @AriSokolov who was so eager and determined to get her build working!

Thank you for your initiative and tenacity!


Our @SeedSigner R&D to move us to the esp32 is far enough along that we can present it to others and encourage them to dive in and help us get to the finish line.

More brains = more progress.

It's happening!
A lot of my role the last few weeks has been more focused on onboarding and organizing contributors.

It's an investment that pulls me away from coding, but we're already seeing a growing collaboration with more people with a variety of skills.

It feels f'n great, y'all.
The reception for my workshop was so positive with lots of other people asking for a kit.

I mean, of course, building nerdy sh*t is fun!

And we're now scaling up plans for more workshops--including in El Salvador!

Shout-out to @ElSalvadorVisas for sponsoring the first half of the kits that I'll take with me to El Salvador.

Hoping to spur local Bitcoin hardware innovation!

Next shout-out is to @ColumbusBitcoin for raising funds to pay for the remaining El Salvador kits!

And we just set up two incredible workshops at @bitcoinpark_:

* @SeedSigner hands-on for beginners.
* Nerd workshop w/my dev kit--which should include a hot custom pcb from one of our newest contributors!
The costs for all these workshop kits are laid out in excruciating detail.

Full transparency. This isn't some weird grift. If anything, my math has consistently been a bit (or a lot) short and I've covered the balance.

All of this is to keep powering us through this MicroPython/esp32-S2 R&D process to get @SeedSigner ported to widely available hardware.

But our current software isn't being neglected.

Coming VERY soon: signing taproot txs!

And then just this weekend, @antomousB got me thinking about QR-based message signing. I had such a blast being back in my happy place (regular python)!

Finally, I happened to think about all the "TODO" comments that we take care to note in the @SeedSigner code. So I used that as a lure to attract even more new contributors.

By my tweet standards, it's getting a ton of love.

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