1/ 'Disinformation' isn't primarily about being lured in by falsehoods. It's about entirely parallel epistemic worlds that have been build, variously rejecting mainstream journalism, scientific method, academia, politics. Just like ours, it has investigators, controversies...
2/ ... intellectual trends and fads. These can be conspiracists, extremist political mobilisations, anti-vax, Qanon - there's a tangle and they often link up.

And just like ours, these worlds deeply change the people who live in them. It often severs
3/ the relationships they have with people from the outside. It obviously demolishes trust in mainstream centres of authority. It changes who they see themselves to be as well, and the reasons they get up in the morning.

There is currently a deep sense of confusion about how
4/ People can believe the things that they do - whether its 5G, election denialism, Qanon or whatever. Know that this stems from the most important things to all of us - kinship, belonging, identity, and the sociological processes of acculturation that has brought them there
5/ Spamming facts, literacy, debunking, fact-checking, basically interventions at the rational level are not going to work. They're deflected, disassembled, simply ignored. We have to wake up to the facts that basically cults are beginning to dominate our political landscape
6/ and know that the interventions are going to have to begin to recognising the sense of drift and drive for meaning that have brought people there in the first place and the emotional and social place where all of this starts from.
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