One of the leaders of Russian opposition, Ilya Yashin, has been sentenced to 8 and a half years in prison today after being convicted on charges stemming from his criticism of the Kremlin's action in Ukraine (writing about war crimes in Bucha).
Yesterday, Russian senator, Andrey Klishas, summarized what laws mean in Putin's Russia: "Do you think that a decree holds more power than president's words? After all, from a political point of view, there is no greater power in our country than the word of our president."
This system sentences Navalny and Yashin to years in prison for literally nothing, they didn't do anything except criticize Putin's regime. There are no laws in Putin's Russia. As you've heard, his word is supreme law and the judges simply transform his word into rulings.
Statues of Justice are blindfolded because justice should be served to everyone equally and impartially. A statue of Justice in front of Russia's Supreme Court has no blindfold, yet it holds a shield with the crest of Muscovy. Justice in Russia is not equal, it belongs to Putin.
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