Some lessons I’ve learned about handling Twitter abuse and bullying, from the mob and from academics and blue checks (legacy, that is)

A thread
As we say out west, this is not my first rodeo

If you work on issues people are passionate about - climate, energy, justice, gender, politics, COVID - you’ll quickly learn that people will use Twitter to diminish your voice or just make speech costly

Some things I’ve learned
First, the mob

Instant mute for insults, smears, profanity, etc.
No second chances

Simple to deal with
Never presents a problem

Over time my feed has gotten much better

Turns out that most of this stuff comes from a small minority of people
Second, academics and blue checks

Sometimes people will feel threatened by my work, or it challenges their views, or they decide they don’t like me, or they are jealous of my impact … whatever

They then use Twitter to try to harm me professionally or to elevate themselves
My general response in such situations is just to ignore them

Repeat offenders earn a mute but I admit to being more generous with this group than the mob

Mean tweets?

Tone policing?

Lying about my research or politics?

None of that bothers me
Some folks don’t get the message and in rare cases will come after my colleagues (even more rare, my family) or those who I happen to study

In such cases I will respond loudly

Try to bully me all you like, fine, I hope it makes you feel better

But go after my people?
I used to try to be polite with such people

Just made them more aggressive

So I learned that a combination of ignoring and confronting works best to manage online abuse and bullying

It’s not perfect
But welcome to Twitter

My management of bullies works much better now
On balance Twitter has proven net valuable to my work (which is why I’m here still)

But there are still downsides and situations and people that need to be ignored/confronted

That’s my calculus today

Thanks for listening to my TED Talk
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