30 actionable tips about health, wealth, and relationships that may teach you more than a 300-page self-help book:
๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿผ Health:

1. Science says that the sunshine you take in within the first 4 hours of waking up determines your quality of sleep that night.

2. Instead of losing weight, think: getting fit to live a healthy life.
3. Phrenic breathing: this is the short inhale-short inhale-long exhale act you do while crying.

Doing this during uncertain times can make you feel better almost instantly.
4. Deep breathing changes your neural chemistry. Do a 'breath check' every hour and take a few deep breaths.

5. Shallow breathing happens when you're anxious. This can be reversed with deep breathing.
6. Eight hours of sleep is a necessity.

7. Strength training at least 3x/week is a sustainable way to cut fat and build lean muscle.

8. Eat less from packets, doesn't matter how much protein it has. It's marketing.
9. Stop the negative self-talk, your body is listening to you.

10. Water is a free hack. I don't have to explain this :)
๐Ÿ’ฐ Wealth

11. The internet is a brilliant place to diversify your income streams.

12. The 1990s called, they want their ideology back: your 9-5 paycheck isn't enough to build wealth.

13. Start a side hustle, and use it to build a skill + an income stream.
14. The goal of your biz should be to solve problems, not to make money. If you solve pain points, the money will come to you.

15. Writing your goals is the first step to achieving them.
16. Writing online is a leverage we have today to build an audience and scale up from there.

17. Have a mix of products and services because there's only so much time you can trade for money.

18. True wealth is owning your time.
19. Look at doing new things with an abundance mindset and you'll thank yourself six months later.

20. Wealth starts from belief systems - change that, and see what happens.
๐Ÿ’œ Relationships

21. Your parents are getting older each day. Don't ignore their calls to call them 'later'.

22. Make an effort in your relationships.

I don't mean memes and texting - give flowers, go out for a meal.

Don't let today's laziness take over your friendships.
23. Understand your partner's love language and make a conscious effort to make them feel loved.

24. Make time for your partner amidst the chaos.

25. Let go of friends who are energy leakers.
26. Even with the responsibilities of adulthood, keep your mates close. True friendships are rare.

27. Your parents will appreciate your time more than expensive gifts. Don't try to compensate.

28. Watch out for people who don't want you to be ahead [of them, at least].
29. Communicate - nobody lives in your head.

"He should know this" - no, he doesn't know what you're thinking.

30. Don't get into petty ego games. Appreciate your people with all your heart.

This will keep your heart and your relationships pure.
That's a wrap!

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Alex Brogan @_alexbrogan ยท Jan 12, 2023
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This is gold