For the past 3 years I’ve studied, practiced and tested every productivity technique out there.

Here’s what you need to do to actually be productive:
Step 1: Know what you want

Productivity only works if you’re going in the right direction.

If you don’t know what you want, you can’t be productive.

• Set specific goals
• Know what is needed to achieve them
Step 2: Prioritise

Now you know what you want and how to get there

Make it a priority.

What does that mean?

• Make doing x a daily non-negotiable
• You do x as early in the day as possible
Step 3: Timeblock

Block out time throughout your day to;

• Complete your priorities
• Do everything else you need to do

How to time block?

• Get a daily planner
• Write out what you’re doing in each hour
Step 4: Set a daily highlight

A daily highlight is a task that so long as you get it done, your day was a success.

How to set a daily highlight?

• Choose your most impactful task
• Write down your DH in your daily planner each day

This takes prioritisation to a new level.
Step 5: Build systems

Systems can be anything from habits to automations to SOPs to delegation.

How to build systems?

• Write out tasks you do on a daily and weekly basis
• Write out each step needed to complete each task
• Find ways to streamline each step
Step 6: Prioritise deep work

Deep work involves 60-120 minutes of pure focus on a single lever moving task.

It allows you to enter a state of flow and get more done at a higher quality in less time.

Each time you complete a priority task, do it in a state of deep work.
Step 7: Utilise deadlines

Parkinsons Law: A task expands to fill the time allocated to it.

The tighter the deadlines you set (for both tasks and goals) the faster you’ll get it done.

• Set deadlines that make you feel slightly uncomfortable
Step 8: Detach

You will face resistance to the work.

Your inner bitch will try to get you to procrastinate and convince you that you need a day off.

Detach your actions from your emotions.

Do the work, do your DH.

You’ll feel great after you get it done.
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