@Shopify CEO by day, Dad in the evening, hacker at night. - Rails alumni; Comprehensivist.
programming, philosophy, history, internet, startups, investing
American entrepreneur and investor. Co-founder of Counsyl and former CTO of Coinbase. Former general partner at Andreessen Horowitz.
Blockchain, cryptocurrency, and smart contracts pioneer. (RT/Fav/Follow does not imply endorsement). Blog:
CEO, Partner at Y Combinator
Internet entrepreneur, philanthropist, and programmer. Co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, Inc., co-founder, principal executive officer, and chairperson of Block, Inc. Also a co-founder of Bluesky, PBLLC.
a16z. author, The Cold Start Problem
Israeli author, public intellectual, historian, and professor. Author of the popular science bestsellers Sapiens, Homo Deus, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century. His writings explore various topics including free will, consciousness, intelligence, happiness, and suffering.
Grew up in East Hampton, New York. Experienced poor health as a child, sparking an interest in self-improvement. Graduated from Princeton University with a B.A. in East Asian studies. Worked in sales at a data storage company after graduation.
I'm the maker of a site to find the best places to live for a digital nomad, a remote job board and a neighborhood map app. I travel to work from anywhere, bootstrap side projects into open startups and only own what fits in my backpack. I also made 12 startups in 12 months.
B2B SaaS Specialist
Founded owned The Hustle ( Sold it to @HubSpot. Tweet weekly about cool business ideas and opportunities. My First Million podcast.