Essayist, mathematical statistician, former option trader, risk analyst, and aphorist. Work concerns problems of randomness, probability, and uncertainty.
Theory of Knowledge/Philosophy and Astronomy/Physics Learning + Koreaphile. Retweets are endorsements. At the time. Patreon:
Business magnate and investor. Founder, chairman, CEO, and chief technology officer of SpaceX. Angel investor, CEO, product architect, and former chairman of Tesla, Inc. Owner, chairman, and CTO of X Corp. Founder of the Boring Company. Co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. President of the Musk Foundation.
Austrian-British philosopher, academic, and social commentator. Rejects classical inductivist views on the scientific method in favor of empirical falsification. Introduced critical rationalism as a philosophy of criticism.
British physicist at the University of Oxford. Pioneered the field of quantum computation, formulated a description for a quantum Turing machine, and specified an algorithm for quantum computers. Proposer of using entangled states and Bell's theorem for quantum key distribution. Proponent of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.