Creative Technologist & New Media Artist. Featured in @google’s Black Women Techmakers Campaign. Bio art, black futures, code education. Toronto & New York
Luciana Parisi’s research is a philosophical investigation of technology in culture, aesthetics and politics. She is a Professor in Media Philosophy at the Program in Literature and the Computational Media Art and Culture at Duke University. She is the author of Abstract Sex: Philosophy, Biotechnology and the Mutations of Desire (2004, Continuum Press) and Contagious Architecture. Computation, Aesthetics and Space (2013, MIT Press). She is completing a monograph on alien epistemologies and the transformation of logical thinking in computation.
Ars Technica founder. Writer. Coder. Doomer. Generalist. Also http://opensourcedefense.org. OG OG. Heartbroke but still loc'd.
Making a living via a portfolio of small bets.
Irish billionaire entrepreneur. Co-founder and CEO of Stripe. Winner of the 41st Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition in 2005. Founder of Fast Grants.