Hold a B.A. in Fine Arts from Hunter College and both a B.F.A. and M.F.A. in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design.
Historian of invention. New book on the history of @theRSAorg, ARTS & MINDS, out now. Head of innovation research at @TenThinkTank.
md @redpoint + podcast @3cartoonavatars / @materializeinc @tryramp @cribl_io @floqast @montecarlodata @crossbeam @workato @braze @pendoio @amplitude_hq @dataiku
Artist, researcher, educator, instigator. He/him. Co-Director, @creativeinquiry. Chaotic Good.
New York Times bestselling author of five books: Steal Like an Artist, Show Your Work!, Keep Going, Steal Like An Artist Journal, and Newspaper Blackout.