Canadian physician and author with a background in family practice. Specializes in childhood development, trauma, and lifelong impacts on physical and mental health.
Professor, #NeuroScience & Psychology @nyuniversity | #BrainPlasticity Expert | Mapping Connections between Exercise & the Brain
Academic and business consultant known for developing the theory of "disruptive innovation". Author of "The Innovator's Dilemma". Kim B. Clark Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School.
I'm a partner at Silicon Valley Product Group, specializing in product teams and product strategy - former exec at eBay, Netscape and HP
Grew up in Cherry Hill, New Jersey and graduated from Cherry Hill High School East.
Former investigative reporter at ProPublica and senior writer at Sports Illustrated. Known for specializing in science issues in sports and investigative reporting. Broke the story on Alex Rodriguez testing positive for steroids in 2003.