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Johnny Brown
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Insights on health, habits, and high performance from a 10-year entrepreneur.
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Want to improve the quality of your sleep? Here is everything you need to know (backed by science):
by Johnny Brown
Want to live a healthier life? Eat more protein. 5 benefits of a high-protein diet (backed by science): twitter.com/johnnyxbrown/status/1641799357950197760/photo/1
by Johnny Brown
One person dies every 34 seconds in the US from heart disease. Here are 20 ways you can improve your heart health and beat the odds: twitter.com/johnnyxbrown/status/1638923126947074048/photo/1
by Johnny Brown
You need strong core muscles to maintain good balance, prevent back injuries, and live a long, healthy life. 7 exercises to build core strength and stability from home: twitter.com/johnnyxbrown/status/1638203921574371329/photo/1
by Johnny Brown
Your habits determine your future. Here are 8 proven steps to replacing bad habits: twitter.com/johnnyxbrown/status/1637102161933869058/photo/1
by Johnny Brown
7 life-changing insights from “Atomic Habits” by James Clear: twitter.com/johnnyxbrown/status/1634523776762232832/photo/1
by Johnny Brown
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Johnny Brown
If you could recommend one book to everyone, what would it be?
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