Founder of THE OVERSHOOT | co-author of TRADE WARS ARE CLASS WARS | For speaking engagements: https://www.chartwellspeakers.com/speaker/matthew-klein/
Matthew C. Klein @m_c_klein
Aug 12, 2023
Several good points here from @adam_tooze, curious to see how the rest of the series evolves: [link] (But I disagree w/ claim that *no* historical analogy is relevant for understanding today's China. Just need to find the right ones and appreciate the nuances!)

Matthew C. Klein @m_c_klein
Feb 23, 2023
"business sources of funds from profits and credit have rolled over and turned negative. As you would expect, when this happens, they cut back first on buybacks and M&A, then on capex, and last of all hiring" [link] <-- good read, ht @dampedspring (link fixed)