Achieved a bachelor's degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem at the age of 17 and a master's degree from the same institution at the age of 18. Completed a PhD at Stanford University in 1993.
Artificial intelligence researcher and writer on decision theory and ethics. Co-founder and research fellow at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute (MIRI). Known for popularizing ideas related to friendly artificial intelligence.
American businessman, investor, and philanthropist. Vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and chairman of the Daily Journal Corporation.
Canadian psychologist, author, and media commentator known for his views on cultural and political issues. Often described as conservative and has identified as a classic British liberal and traditionalist.
Author, psychologist, and economist. Notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics. Recipient of the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (shared with Vernon L. Smith).
Podcaster and neuroscientist. Associate professor of neurobiology at Stanford University School of Medicine. Host of the Huberman Lab podcast, ranked among the top 10 podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast has over 3.5 million subscribers on YouTube.
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