AI21 Labs, co-founder; Stanford University, Professor (emeritus); AI Index @indexingai Steering Committee (chair)
Professor, #NeuroScience & Psychology @nyuniversity | #BrainPlasticity Expert | Mapping Connections between Exercise & the Brain
Scholar of cognitive science, physics, and comparative literature. Notable research areas include the sense of self, consciousness, analogy-making, artistic creation, literary translation, and discovery in mathematics and physics. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize for general nonfiction and a National Book Award for Science for his book "Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid."
Better ways of thinking, feeling, and acting—around problems of meaning and meaninglessness; self and society; ethics, purpose, and value.
American writer, best known as the editor of the Whole Earth Catalog. Founder of organizations including the WELL, the Global Business Network, and the Long Now Foundation. Author of several books.
Host of Design Matters, one of the world’s first + longest running podcasts; chair, Masters in Branding @svampsb, @printmag ED, board @TheJHF @PS122 🌈
A beautiful education.
British neurologist, naturalist, historian of science, and writer. Interned at Mount Zion Hospital in San Francisco and completed residency in neurology and neuropathology at UCLA. Known for his work with patients affected by sleeping sickness encephalitis lethargica, which inspired his book "Awakenings" adapted into an Academy Award-nominated film.
Cognitive psychologist, psycholinguist, popular science author, and public intellectual. Advocate of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind.
Philosopher, writer, and cognitive scientist. Research focuses on the philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology, particularly in relation to evolutionary biology and cognitive science.
Journalist, author, and filmmaker. Known for reporting in-the-field on dirty, dangerous, and demanding occupations and the experience of infantry combat. Author of The Perfect Storm, which was adapted into a major motion picture. Covered the War in Afghanistan and wrote the book War, which served as the background for the documentary film Restrepo. Explores themes of brotherhood, trauma, and the relationship of the individual to society.
Podcaster and neuroscientist. Associate professor of neurobiology at Stanford University School of Medicine. Host of the Huberman Lab podcast, ranked among the top 10 podcasts on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast has over 3.5 million subscribers on YouTube.