investing at @a16z
ML Researcher, Alignment Team lead @OpenAI. Increasing the probability that humanity's transition into a post-AGI future goes well.
πŸ“Tech Writer | πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»Digital Creator | Growth Strategist | Latest AI developments | Building β†’
AI prompt enthusiast | 9β†’5 : Product manager building AI & ML products | 5β†’9: Helping you leverage AI to grow your business
cofounder and chief prompt officer @humanloop β€” the platform for #gpt4 apps
Acquired & grew a main street biz to 18 locations in 2 years . Spent a gazillion on high quality/low cost global talent. Former State Department.
⚑ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚑ GitHub: Discord:
Professor: @carnegiemellon/@mldcmu/@acmi_lab, Chief Scientific Officer: @AbridgeHQ, Creator: @d2l_ai, Editor:, Relapsing 🎢🎷
β€οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ I like ducks, they're fowl but not through choice. Thought Lord. Lives in a swamp. Painted by AI. Born 321 ppm COβ‚‚.
Building a modern analytics workflow. Founder & CEO @ dbt Labs, creators and maintainers of dbt.
Anti-ego ideas for anti-ergodic life. Longform: Book: @coding_career
Education Entrepreneur Contributions: TIME, Fortune, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc, & Harvard Business Review Learn in public at