Author, known for his book "Three Scientists and Their Gods: Looking for Meaning in an Age of Information". Studied sociobiology at Princeton University.
Social psychologist and author. Thomas Cooley Professor of Ethical Leadership at the New York University Stern School of Business. specializes in the psychology of morality and moral emotions.
Billionaire entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and political activist. Co-founder of PayPal, Palantir Technologies, and Founders Fund. First outside investor in Facebook.
Danish author and president of the think tank Copenhagen Consensus Center. Former director of the Danish government's Environmental Assessment Institute. Known for his book "The Skeptical Environmentalist".
Cognitive psychologist and popular science author. Professor at the University of California, Irvine in the Department of Cognitive Sciences, Department of Philosophy, Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science, and School of Computer Science.
Professor, Duke University. Economic and political development, social change, Islam, Middle East, Turkey.
Philosopher and energy expert Author: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, Fossil Future Founder: Cofounder:
Co-author of Mosaic, the first widely used web browser with a graphical user interface. Co-founder of Netscape and general partner of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz. Co-founder of Ning. Net-worth estimated at $1.7 billion by Forbes.
Author, psychologist, and economist. Notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics. Recipient of the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences (shared with Vernon L. Smith).
Canadian psychologist, author, and media commentator known for his views on cultural and political issues. Often described as conservative and has identified as a classic British liberal and traditionalist.