Physics, philosophy, complexity; thinking, writing, talking. @JohnsHopkins & @SFIscience. Host, #MindscapePodcast. Married to @JenLucPiquant. He/him.
Engineering physicist, science communicator, and television personality. Best known for his YouTube channel Veritasium with 14.1 million subscribers.
British physicist at the University of Oxford. Pioneered the field of quantum computation, formulated a description for a quantum Turing machine, and specified an algorithm for quantum computers. Proposer of using entangled states and Bell's theorem for quantum key distribution. Proponent of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of superfluidity. Nobel Prize recipient for his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics.