Relevant Creators
Philosopher and energy expert Author: The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, Fossil Future Founder: Cofounder:
Vaclav Smil does interdisciplinary research in the fields of energy, environmental and population change, food production and nutrition, technical innovation, risk assessment, and public policy. He has published 35 books and more than 400 papers on these topics. He is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (Science Academy), and the Member of the Order of Canada; in 2010 he was listed by Foreign Policy among the top 100 global thinkers. He has worked as a consultant for many US, EU and international institutions, has been an invited speaker in nearly 400 conferences and workshops in the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa, and has lectured at many universities in North America, Europe and East Asia. His wife Eva is a physician and his son David is an organic chemist
I am interested in what people do when the systems they rely upon stop working. Whether speaking of the end of political systems like communism, infrastructural systems like the electric grid, economic systems like whaling, or cultural systems like the contemporary university what unites my work is an abiding concern for both the inventive creativity and the normative impulses that systemic collapse begets. What is the nature of renewal, I ask, and what do people, diversely, make of things when all that is solid fades unexpectedly into air.
Totally agree doesn’t mean what you think it does.
Electric grid issues, nuclear energy, renewable energy, capacity markets and more. By Meredith Angwin #RTOs #grid #nuclear #electricity
American author and former public relations professional. Focuses on the intersection of politics, the environment, climate change, and nuclear power. Co-founder of the Breakthrough Institute and the California Peace Coalition. Founder of Environmental Progress.
Energy & metals = modern life; we need more molecules, not more Bits & Bytes. if u like avocado toast, u love hydrocarbons.
Investing, climate, coding, Orient Foundation, dad life he/him. Very satisfied @blockpartyapp_ user.
Writer at @TheAtlantic. Host of podcast CRAZY/GENIUS. Author of book HIT MAKERS. Talker on NPR's @hereandnow and @CBSNews. derek[at]theatlantic[dot]com
#Bitcoin | Contributor @BitcoinMagazine
Physicist, Immigrant, Pilot, Dad. Former Caltech, Hyperloop, NASA JPL. Founder @terraformindies. Build more solar!
Danish author and president of the think tank Copenhagen Consensus Center. Former director of the Danish government's Environmental Assessment Institute. Known for his book "The Skeptical Environmentalist".