Relevant Creators
Co-Founder/CEO @PinwheelAPI
Data science researcher at @PrincetonCITP | RecSys | AI | web3
Postdoc at @PrincetonCITP + @PrincetonHCI / affiliate @datasociety + @towcenter / PhD @Columbia / alum @MIT / AI + policy + work + security / She/her
Contributor to Wired, Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The Guardian, HuffPost, and The Washington Post.
UK AI Skills Champion. Passionate about Web Science, women in science and engineering, and shopping!
🇺🇸🇵🇪✡️ 🩺 Substack: research regulation and history of medicine
CEO of @FTI. Future scenarios + planning + foresight + tech trends. Prof @NYUStern. 4x best-selling author. Order my new book GENESIS MACHINE at the link.
Specializes in organizational economics, strategy, and entrepreneurship. Published books on Austrian perspectives on economic organization, the works of F. A. Hayek, organizations and markets, and a new approach to the firm.
Senior editor and economist at the Mises Institute. Former economist at State of Colorado. Author of 'Commie Cowboys.' Descended from WASPs and Mexicans.
U.S. Senator from Connecticut.
Pattern Finder • sharing weird strategies to win the great online game • freelance web3 writer • prev @defiantnews, now
Reporter for WSJ in San Francisco. Often running w a GSP named Bo. Better at reporting than tweeting.