اكتشف مع قوة الأعشاب الطبيعية. ستساعدك مجموعتنا الممتازة على التواصل مع الطبيعة وتحسين صحتك. تسوق الآن!
Writer, former environmental studies professor, anarchist, pagan, life-long learner
I'm interested in how we can use technology to build a better society. Drone at @hivedotone #bitcoin
Takis Athanassiou is an award-winning blogger, author, and trainer. He is also a more than 25 year a business consultant and instructional designer with numerous participations in Greek, European, and international projects. His goal is to help people realize their potential, leverage their skills, and achieve their business and personal goals.
B2B importing, exporting, wholesaling using Bitcoin as main payment method.